Prosthetics and correction of occlusion

Orthodontics is one of the most interesting branches of dentistry, which deals with the correction of dentures and bite. This treatment changes a person's appearance and gives him self-confidence.
Orthodontics is like mathematics: correct calculations and planning are also very important here.

What we offer

  • Correction of crooked, crooked teeth
  • Closure of interdental spaces
  • Face Profile Correction
  • Bite correction
  • Regulation of CSCS dysfunction

Prophylactic visits for children

A child should be taken to the orthodontist for a preventive examination starting from the age of 6, from this age the change of milk teeth to permanent ones begins, so these visits are very important. What the mother does not notice, the specialist will immediately notice. It is possible to prevent and solve the development of identified problems at an early stage, avoiding the need for complex bracket treatment in the future.

What is important

The child acquires beautiful, healthy teeth and bite naturally because the orthodontist uses the natural growth of the child's jaws.
Orthodontic treatment of children is carried out using mobile devices and stationary braces. Because the child is in a phase of active bone growth, the orthodontist uses this growth to correct narrow, disproportionate jaws, chins, and teeth.

In this case, the child:
  • Smooth and symmetrical dentition
  • Good face profile
  • Regular and calm breathing
  • healthy smile
  • Gains self-confidence
  • Relieves complications

Treatment with devices

Removable devices are effectively used in the stage of mixed dentition to correct the dentoalveolar system and child's occlusion; at this age, the child's mouth has both milk and permanent teeth (up to 11-12 years).
The child chooses the color of braces, decorations (sparkles, stars, cartoon characters), thanks to which he wears braces with love throughout the treatment.
Treatment with colored devices turns into a game for a child who wears devices with great love and desire, and thanks to our specialists, each visit to the clinic turns into a new interesting test that must be overcome.

Treatment with braces

With the help of braces, dentures and malocclusion are corrected. Treatment is carried out at any age, starting from 11 years. At this age, the child already has a permanent bite. all milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

Brace treatment for adults

Not everyone can boast a perfect smile. Braces are one of the most requested dental services among people over 30 years of age. After years of avoiding a bold smile, they finally opt for braces treatment and realize their dream of straight and beautiful teeth.
Invisible ceramic braces allow you to achieve all this unnoticed by others.


If in the past you had to wear braces to straighten your teeth, today there is a more comfortable alternative to braces: aligners. Aligners are light, transparent braces, with the help of which the teeth are gradually and imperceptibly straightened.

The advantages are:
  • are invisible
  • teeth straightening happens faster,
  • easy to use
  • do not interfere with speaking
  • thanks to computer modeling, the visitor can see what kind of result he will get from the beginning of the treatment,
  • they do not require additional hygiene, they are simply washed with running water

Frequently Asked Questions

    • If the teeth are folded, crooked or crooked,
    • There are interdental gaps (diastemas and tremas), the jaws are narrow,
    • malocclusion (open, deep, cross or reverse bite);
    • There are still unbitten permanent teeth for which there is not enough space in dentures

  • The elainer identically replicates the human dentition, on which minor changes are already made in the laboratory to gradually straighten crooked teeth.
    It is very important that the patient undergoing treatment wears the aligners 16-20 hours a day and visits the orthodontist regularly.
  • For people who have
    • crooked, twisted teeth,
    • diastema or trema - interdental spaces,
    • tooth crowding
    • and want to straighten their teeth unnoticed by others

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