Hot offer

Start straightening your teeth today!


  • Treatment by braces with no upfront payment
  • Pay according to the schedule that suits you
  • Only 30 000 AMD per month


As a result you will have

  • Straight teeth
  • Beautiful facial profile
  • Proper posture
  • You'll gain confidence
  • You’ll get rid of insecuritie


Treatment by braces is the best investment into your beautiful smile and self-confidence


Call now and book a consultation with an orthodontist



Dental arch correction by ceramic braces

Straighten your teeth in a way that's non visible to others and comfortable for you


  • Treatment by aesthetic and transparent braces
  • No upfront payment
  • No extra fees
  • Only 49000 AMD per month


Undergo treatment by braces and smile confidently without hesitation


Book an appointment with an orthodontist right now!


